Welcome to Van Alstyne Scouting!
Scouting in Van Alstyne
Van Alstyne has a rich history of Scouting. Use the logos and links below to explore our local Scouting units and groups:
Friends of Van Alstyne Scouting: A local group (not directly affiliated with BSA) designed to help support Scouting in Van Alstyne through community events.
Cub Scout Pack 6: Formed in 1943, Pack 6 is one of the oldest Cub Scout Packs in the nation, and serves youth in Kindergarten through 5th grade.
BSA Troop 44: Chartered in 1913, Troop 44 is the 3rd oldest troop in the state of Texas and 5th oldest troop in the nation, and serves boys ages 11 to 18.
BSA Girl Troop 44G: Formed in 2021, Troop 44G serves girls ages 11 to 18. While Boys and Girls are technically in separate troops, they follow the same advancement paths and do the same activities.